Voices From A Steeltown (1983, 28 min)

“What Braddock Makes The World Takes”


Voices From A Steeltown

Braddock, Pennsylvania, is dying. Who killed it? Politicians? Big Business? Shopping Centers? Racism? And what can we learn from Braddock’s experience?

Braddock’s story is a classic one, mirrored daily in American industrial towns from Massachusetts to Michigan, West Virginia to Washington state – everywhere a town depends for its livelihood on a single industry.

In the 1920’s, Braddock was a thriving cultural and commercial center, a “boom town” born a generation earlier, when Andrew Carnegie opened his first steel mill there. “What Braddock Makes the World Takes” became the town’s slogan.

Today, Braddock is dying. Poverty has replaced prosperity, and the town’s few remaining residents view their situation with a mix of stoicism, puzzlement, and humor as they reminisce about Braddock’s heyday and try to figure out who is responsible for Braddock’s slow death.

voices2Voices From A Steeltown presents Braddock’s story in a forthright, thought-provoking manner that invariably stimulates lively reaction and discussion among viewers. The film’s powerful content, enhanced by sophisticated imagery and a haunting musical score, makes it memorable viewing. In one sense, Braddock is dying. But Voices makes the town immortal.

Voices From A Steeltown is distributed by New Day Films. If you wish to purchase a copy for personal use, please visit our online store here: Voices From A Steeltown DVD.

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